‘Ingraham Angle’ on Biden’s war on energy

This is a rush transcript of “Ingraham Angle” on October 20, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated. SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: We hope you’ll set your DVR and never miss an episode. Now we’re going to go to Laura a little early. Let not your heart be troubled; Laura Ingraham is standing by. And she will show our operation on our show tonight, right? LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: No, I was busy today. So I didn’t quite get to it. But I gave you a preview and just texted it to you. No, no. I just texted it to you. So I gave you a preview because I know you have a bit of a queasy sensibility.

HANNITY: You did not text it to me, and I do not have a text from you.

INGRAHAM: Oh, oh. Well, maybe it – are you still giving–

HANNITY: It just came in. Yes. All right.

INGRAHAM: OK. Well, you have to look at it tomorrow.

HANNITY: So, you send me a picture of the whole video of your operation?

INGRAHAM: Yes. It was not the whole operation because they wouldn’t let me do it the whole one, but it’s part of it. But I want–


HANNITY: I want you to air it on T.V. so the world can see it.

INGRAHAM: It might send – we want to keep the ratings up, but people might lose it when they see this. But some of my producers were pretty squeamish about it. So, you have to text me afterward after you watch it. OK.

HANNITY: I can’t wait.

INGRAHAM: All right. We will pick up where you left off.

HANNITY: Have a great show.

INGRAHAM: Thrilling. All right. I’m Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE on a very busy Wednesday. So let’s dive right in.

But first, here are 13 reasons why. That’s the focus of tonight’s ‘Angle’.

Six months ago, the ‘Angle’ warned you that inflation was about to explode, and the experts have finally caught up.

PAUL TUDOR JONES, ROBIN HOOD FOUNDATION FOUNDER: Inflation’s not transitory and is here to stay. And it’s probably the single biggest threat to society just in general.

JIM CRAMER, CNBC INVESTING CLUB: Inflation is much worse than we thought.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It’s a mess. And everyone knows it’s a mess.

INGRAHAM: And that includes the electorate, and they know it’s a mess. In fact, a new Politico morning console poll finds that “More than 6 in 10 Americans hold Biden’s policies responsible for increasing inflation”.

Now, for most of us, this is not difficult to unpack. Things are falling apart because the Democrats are carrying out a vicious assault on our economy and freedoms. Because they loathe our system and love European-style socialism. To remake America, they must break America.

Here are the 13 reasons we know it’s time to throw the bums out. Number one, Democrats supercharged inflation with their $2 trillion COVID bill in March. And they’re about to make things a lot worse.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It could be between 1.9, 2.2, and $2 trillion. Childcare, pre-k, paid leave, and home and community-based care, the action on climate.

INGRAHAM: Well, just a few trillion here and there. Number two, gasoline prices are at seven-year highs and climbing. And instead of producing more oil and gas at home, Biden’s gone begging.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We communicate with our international partners who are members of OPEC and convey, as we did a few months ago, are urging to find a compromised solution to allow post-production increases.

INGRAHAM: Number three, our supply chains are broken, and our ports are jammed up. And our Transportation Secretary thinks he has found the magic solution to end COVID.

PETE BUTTGIEG, SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION: President’s building back better agendas will ease some of that inflationary pressure. The best way to smooth this out is to vaccinate everybody and put that pandemic in the rearview mirror.

INGRAHAM: He looks like a sixth-grade student council candidate—four turkey shortages before Thanksgiving. Of course, the other turkeys there were – there’s no shortage, have their spin ready.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This turkey day, you may be paying more. And a variety of issues, from climate change to the pandemic, may be partly to blame.

INGRAHAM: Oh, my god, climate change. Number five, the media are openly trying to dismiss Americans’ concerns. They’re telling us to lower our expectations. In other words, you’ve just been spoiled with this American dream and the good life. Forget it. Just drop your expectations. That’s why – that way, Biden always wins.

Number six, unemployment in our urban centers is out of control, and it’s just over 10 percent now in New York City. But remember, for liberals, 10 percent unemployment qualifies as a success story.

BILL DE BLASIO, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: We have set the bar high with a series of mandates. Guess what? It didn’t work.

INGRAHAM: Number seven, crime is making blue cities unlivable. Walgreens is abandoning San Francisco; it is closing five stores next month due to rampant shoplifters, who are essential constituents to learn lefty mayors.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Some stores are not just closing because of retail. They’re closing because they’re not necessarily bringing in the sales they once did. So I don’t want to attribute that entirely to just retail.

INGRAHAM: Her constituents. Number eight, the nation’s capital, can’t keep its metro system working. Even with 60 percent of the railcars out of service, the metro still hasn’t spelled out what it will take to bring the cars back into service, leaving riders and regional leaders concerned about a lengthy disruption. Great.

Number nine, our once-great suburban schools are being transformed into gender and race reeducation camps for kids. But you voice your concern about that, and you’re practically on the terror watch list or just labeled a racist.

TERRY MCAULIFFE, FORMER GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA: These parent’s meetings and critical race theory. It bothers me because it is a racist dog whistle.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The memorandum issued by the Attorney General speaks to threats and intimidation that some school officials have experienced in our country.

INGRAHAM: Remember, you’re the enemy.

Number 10. Our border has collapsed, and many illegals are flooding in. But remember, don’t worry. Biden’s team is entirely in control.

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: The message is clear. The border is close; the wall is secure. Do not come.

INGRAHAM: Number 11. Vaccine mandates force first responders, healthcare workers, and even airline pilots off the job, all based on twisted anti-science logic.

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The bottom line, we’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers.

INGRAHAM: Wait for a second. I thought they were vaccinated. Why do they need to be?

Number 12, masking is becoming a permanent way of life for anyone in blue cities, even kids in school.

ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: We know we cannot be complacent as we head into these winter months. So right now, we will continue to recommend masks in all schools for all people in those schools.

INGRAHAM: 100 days of mask-wearing.

Number 13. Finally, there’s the small matter of the aggressive rise of China. The CCP just made a fool out of Biden; that’s not difficult to do with the hypersonic missile launch. Let’s face it. China doesn’t fear us. And they certainly don’t lose sleep over the empty words of our top diplomats.

RAHM EMANUEL, FORMER MAYOR OF CHICAGO: We obviously cannot trust China to meet its commitments on the Taiwan issue. In recent months, the rhetoric of its leader and many other Chinese leaders has been that they intend to take back Taiwan. Our responsibility is to make Taiwan a tough nut to crack.

INGRAHAM: He didn’t just say that. The list is, by no means, complete. But you get the point. The American people deserve better, and they’re starting to demand better. They’re not going to be bought off with more borrowed money; they’re not going to be fooled by more happy talk in the press. And once the people’s voices are heard in 2022 and 2024, the L era of failure, an age of chaos, will be replaced by a new time of competence and success. And that’s the ‘Angle’. All right. I am joining Victor Davis Hanson, Hoover Institution, Senior Fellow, author of ‘The Dying Citizen’ in stores. Victor, documenting these issues reveals the breadth of the administration’s failure in just nine months. The list could have been 20 ways that they’re failing. But of the 13 I just mentioned, is there one in particular that is the death knell politically for Joe Biden?

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTE: Well, I think the borders enrage people. But the supply chain is got the potential because it’s the stuff of life, Laura. What you just delineated were political issues three or four months ago. They’re not now. They’re civilizational collapse. When Americans pay $100 and they cannot fill up their car, they look at 2 million people who think they have a birthright to invade their country, or they look at ships to the horizon. Their shelves are empty. They feel the civilizations collapsing. How could it happen? These are not political issues.

And each one of those collapses that you so articulately delineate; there was a political agenda behind it that never – it never pulled 50 percent. Nobody wanted an open border. Nobody wanted critical race theory. Nobody wanted the new Green Deal. But Joe Biden, good old Joe Biden, the virtual president, everybody was of the turmoil of 2020; they thought he was Mr. Nice Guy, and he was the veneer, the vessel that carried those unpopular agendas at least until two or three months ago. But now he’s been so incoherent, mean-spirited, and untruthful that he’s his person is a force multiplier of the unpopularity of the issues that brought this collapse.

And so they’re working hand in glove, and we see a complete – I’ve never seen anything like it, a loss of confidence in the system. People say daily that they don’t know if I will buy gas. I don’t know whether I can walk out on the street at night. I don’t know who this person is; he just walked across the border as if he had a right to enter my country. And when you lose the middle class, you turn over your society to the very connected, wealthy, and subsidized poor. You have no sacred space for the middle class to inculcate traditions and values. We’re starting to look at ourselves and identify by our superficial appearance rather than our common humanity; this is what you get.

INGRAHAM: Victor, I have to share this with you, and I’m reviewing something we will feature on the show in the next few days. I had the chance to sit down with an Iwo Jima vet today. We’re in Wyoming. And he’s 98 years old, still stands on his own two feet, brilliant, sharp, just an incredible person. Listening to him talk about America today versus the America of 1944 and 1945, from the manufacturing losses to the loss of confidence, unity, education, and patriotism in some circles of America. It was both infuriating and upsetting at the same time. But, boy did everybody who listened to him, and we’re going to feature this on the show; they had chills. It was –it just cut you to the core to hear him and what he saw and experienced. And how ungrateful some Americans are. Ungrateful.

HANSON: The left has no idea what they’ve unleashed. I don’t think that in the 233rd year of this Republic, all of us, with our collective memories of Okinawa and the people who died at Iwo Jima and the Hoover Dam, who often lived harsh and even miserable lives of struggles, give us this wonderful country, we in this year are suddenly going to say, you know what, they’re racist, they weren’t good. We will turn the country over to many ignorant and arrogant people. It’s just not going to happen. We have a bond with those people in the past. We owe them everything we have. I’m named after somebody Victor Hansen that died in Okinawa.

I’m not going to besmirch his memory by going along with this woke stuff or what’s – what – destroying the country without borders. Each person, according to their station, has that obligation. We have this unbroken chain with these generations that we owe them. I know – I wrote a book called ‘The Dying Citizen’ but didn’t tile up the dead citizen. We’re not finished yet. And the left seems to think that we’re all in a coma, and we’re going to say, tear down this and rename that, and teach us about how great racism is and how we have to discriminate. Don’t worry about the shelves; you’ll get something around Christmas. And we’re halfway to [ph] Steven chooses dream of $10 a gallon. What’s the big deal? I don’t think so.


HANSON: I don’t think people will roll over dead and say, take the country, it’s not – it’s yours. It’s not.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Driving to the studio–

HANSON: We are obliged to those we just talked about, Laura. People are (inaudible) Iwo Jima. Not to fail when they succeeded. And I–

INGRAHAM: Driving to this studio, we saw $4.89 a gallon of gasoline. That in and of itself is going to destroy the Democrats’ chances. Victor, it’s so great to see you tonight. And congrats on the success of your book, ‘The Dying Citizen’.

Joining me now is Larry Kudlow, host of ‘Kudlow’ on Fox Business, the former Trump economic adviser. Larry, wonderful to see you as always tonight. This so-called reconciliation bill is the one outstanding issue that could further hasten America’s decline. They’ve whittled it down to $2 trillion. And we’re all supposed to be thrilled about that, like $2 trillion is just, you know, this popcorn they can pop on the stove. No big deal. Does this bill need to die, Larry? Are we in big trouble?

LARRY KUDLOW, HOST OF THE “KUDLOW”: Save America killed the bill. I mean, that’s still my motto. $2 trillion is unimpressive because there are all these accounting gimmicks. Child allowances will be for one year, but it’s a trillion dollars over ten years, and they will do everything they can to continue it for ten years. So they’re scoring.

There are only two obstacles to this crazy $5 trillion-plus taxing, regulating, and spending bill. One is Joe Manchin, who is against this spending, and the other is Kyrsten Sinema, who is against the taxing. The two of them make a lovely couple. They are Washington’s most important power couple of the moment. They can stop this bill; the bill needs to be stopped.

And I want to add to that quickly. These attacks on fossil fuels, oil, gas, and coal have decimated our energy base. And this is a government-driven policy, where 2 million barrels of oil per day lower than we should be, which would cut the gasoline price in half. And the other thing is, the Bidens were asleep at the switch on this supply-side shortages, the containership backup in the L.A. and Long Beach ports. They didn’t take any action to have it go 24/7. That was a governmental decision.

The longshoreman, the unions, and the Bidens want to unionize everything. The dockers did not want to go 24/7. And with all this talk about infrastructure, nothing in there would get updates on machinery and automation in these ports. And that’s also because the dockers oppose it. And American consumers do not want to wait. They hate shortages; they hate austerity. They want prosperity. And government central planning is not the answer.

INGRAHAM: I’m again thinking about the fact that we could ramp up manufacturing in the United States in the 1940s. And a few years, the 1930s and 1940s, to win the war. We could win the battle with U.S. manufacturing and our incredibly courageous service members. We could do that. But we can’t get a bunch of cargo unloaded from some ships coming into our ports.

KUDLOW: Right. It’s unbelievable.

INGRAHAM: What’s happened to America? Are you kidding me?

KUDLOW: I know. I loved your opening because I think you’re right. The only thing the space should have is when you’re putting all those individuals running in the Biden administration. Laura, it looked to me like the junior varsity. It may have been the first-year team. They are unaware. They’re not aware of the situation.

INGRAHAM: It’s for amateur hour.

KUDLOW: Because they are bound–

INGRAHAM: It’s amateur hour.

KUDLOW: That’s right. That’s right.

INGRAHAM: All right. I got to play this for you. This is striking–

KUDLOW: And their left-wing ideology

INGRAHAM: Oh, yes. This is all purposeful.


KUDLOW: The left-wing ideology prevents them. Right. That made it – this – so much to this is government.

INGRAHAM: Larry, hold on. The striking figure that I think spells out why Biden – what Biden has done. The Atlanta Fed’s GDP growth estimate is now 0.5 percent. It was a 6 percent growth just two months ago. Our growth would fly high under Trump now because he wouldn’t have done all this anti-energy nonsense and borrowing. At least, I hope he wouldn’t have done the borrowing. But Larry, what’s causing that 0.5 percent?

KUDLOW: Well, look, part of that is, there are no cars to buy. So consumer spending seems very weak. It’s not. But there are no cars to buy because these container backups all had semiconductors that the vehicles need. So you can’t produce them, and they’re not in the showrooms.

The second point is the inflation bulge. Whether it’s temporary or permanent, it doesn’t matter. It is; it exists today. And we’re only making it worse by creating this economic scarcity, this environment of scarcity. Those people in the Washington Post who are writing this stuff, hey, listen, only wealthy people have patience. You don’t need all these consumer goods. That is vintage Jimmy Carter. I got to tell you. That is Malays talk.

What’s really at the root of this is very bad government decisions. And that’s why I’m touting Manchin and Sinema, both of them, by the way, should call up Donald Trump and ask to become Republicans because there’s no place in the Democratic Party for sensible moderates anymore, which is a shame. But it will be what it will be. And I don’t see the changes being made. I don’t see the changes.

INGRAHAM: Now, well, Joe Manchin right now, if he goes along with this, he’s working against the interests of the people of West Virginia. They want sensible policy. This is a reckless policy.

KUDLOW: That’s right.

INGRAHAM: So Joe Manchin, you’re better than that. You got to be better than that. I think Kyrsten Sinema is better than that. Larry, thank you. Great to see you, as always.

And why is the congressional media obsession over January 6 a dangerous precedent? Glenn Greenwald explains in moments. Plus, how is someone so integral to spreading the Russia gate lie now involved in changing our elections forever? Mollie Hemingway has the details. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: I want everyone to meet the Democrats’ election fixer lawyer Marc Elias. In 2016, Elias corrupted our elections by funneling cash from the DNC and the Clinton campaign to a foreign spy, who then created the phony Trump dossier. Now, that’s not all; four years later, Elias spearheaded the left’s legal blitzkrieg to change how people voted dramatically.

Now, you can thank him for the mass vote by mail and ballot harvesting that came with it. But the fixer is still on the job and working to undermine our elections and political system further. Mollie Hemingway is a Fox News contributor and author of the new best-seller, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech and Democrats Seized our Elections”. It’s in stores now.

Mollie, what’s he up to now?

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Well, it’s just amazing that this is the guy, he was General Counsel for Hillary Clinton’s campaign, comes up with the Russia hoax, orchestrates this false and damaging lie that Donald Trump stole the 2016 election by colluding with Russia. And now he’s out right now, out on T.V. everywhere, talking about how he was some defender of democracy when his operation in 2020 was to sue states and get involved in all sorts of litigation to weaken election security and create a system where tens of millions of mail-in ballots flooded the system without being appropriately checked.

It’s why we had such chaos and confusion in the 2020 election. And it’s just fascinating to me that it was the same guy who did so much damage in the 2016 election and also the 2020 election.

INGRAHAM: Well, he looks like a bloated, corrupt Washington. He’s got that physical embodiment of everything that’s wrong with Washington. Mollie, CNN’s Brian Stelter recently asked this Elias character about your book. Here’s part of the exchange.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN HOST: How do you handle that intense scrutiny, that coverage, that criticism from right-wing media?

MARC ELIAS, FOUNDER, DEMOCRACY DOCKET: I tend to take it head-on because I think ignoring it is. And this is one of the things your show does extremely well. And frankly, I wish all the media did what your show does: you don’t ignore the right-wing misinformation – you take it head-on. So that’s really what I tried to do.


INGRAHAM: Mollie, complimenting Stelter, was the first tell. You do such a great job, Brian.

HEMINGWAY: He reminds me a bit of Michael Avenatti, who’s currently in prison, who would go on CNN and talk about how other people were engaged in misinformation when it was he who was involved in misinformation. But I wish he would take head on what’s going on. I hope he will be honest about his role in causing chaos and problems in the 2020 election and what he did in the 2016 election. John Durham just indicted his partner Michael Sussman as part of the probe into the Democrats’ – Hillary Clinton’s false smear about Russia collusion.

But this is a guy you need to know because he’s more competent than Michael Avenatti. He has a lot of money behind him and a lot of coordination. And if Republicans want free and fair elections, they need to match him; the amount of money he has behind him, And his operation has caused – it’s just wreaked havoc across the country and weakened the credibility and integrity of election laws.

INGRAHAM: Mollie, I’ll ask you about universal mail-in voting. Because it looks like in places like California and other states, it’s here to stay. It’s not going anywhere. So I know – and I wouldn’t say I like it, and many other people don’t like it, but until you take over the state legislatures, you’re not changing it. OK?

So don’t Republicans need to learn how to win under the existing rules until they get in the state chambers and can change the practices? So we can tell people not to vote? We can tell people this is all corrupt. But you got to win. It’s the – politics is the art of winning, correct?

HEMINGWAY: Part of this is about whatever the rules are, just making sure that there are appropriate security provisions. But it’s also important that whatever the rules are, both parties play equally. Suppose you’re going to have universal mail-in balloting, having voter I.D. or things like that. It’s kind of like performance-enhancing drugs. You might not like the use of steroids or other drugs, but if they are allowed, you have to learn how to use them. And that is something that the Republican Party will probably be getting much better at here.

INGRAHAM: All right. Mollie, great to see you tonight, as always.


REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): I’ve heard from several colleagues in the last several days who say they “just don’t want this target on their back”. They’re just trying to keep their heads down. They don’t want to anger Kevin McCarthy. History will judge those of us in positions of public trust. Remember that as you cast your votes, you think about how to answer when history asks. What did you do when Congress was attacked?


INGRAHAM: History will certainly remember what Liz Cheney and House Democrats are trying. She backed the creation of a January 6 committee, even though DOJ had already investigated the matter. Our next guest pointed out that it’s one of U.S. history’s largest DOJ criminal probes.

Glenn Greenwald is an independent journalist and author of “Securing Democracy”. Glenn, you go so far as to call this congressional posturing dangerous. Why is it particularly dangerous other than being foolish?

GLENN GREENWALD, INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST: Well, we have a system of the three branches of government that are assigned different powers. When crimes were committed, as on January 6, the executive branch investigates with the DOJ and FBI, as they’re doing. Then the judiciary determines guilt with all these safeguards, And it’s very important that one not take powers that the Constitution doesn’t assign.

It’s not the job of Congress to investigate private citizens to determine whether or not crimes are being committed. But what happened here, Laura is that they know the Justice Department will not deliver on this narrative that they pedaled for eight months, which was that this was an insurrection, these people are traitors, and they engaged in sedition. No one is charged with any of those times or attempted murder or kidnapping of AOC.

So the Congress wants to put on this political show trial, this theater. In the process, they are hauling private citizens to interrogate them on their political associations before Congress and issuing very invasive subpoenas to investigate private citizens in their political activities. It’s a huge transgression of the congressional. That’s what we had with the McCarthy hearings when the Supreme Court stepped in and said Congress couldn’t do that. If there are crimes, try people in court and prove their guilt. But that’s what Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney are trying to do.

INGRAHAM: It’s Kafkaesque. And the January 6th committee chair Rep. Bennie Thompson, let slip, I think, the true purpose of this investigation.


REP. BENNIE THOMPSON, (D-MS) CHAIRMAN OF THE JANUARY 6TH COMMITTEE: We fulfill our responsibilities by discovering the facts behind the January 6th attack so that Congress can consider legislation with a full understanding of the activities that led to an attack on Congress itself.


INGRAHAM: Glenn, what is he getting at there? What legislation are they hitting at?

GREENWALD: That’s a huge fraud. Congress indeed has the power to investigate under very limited circumstances if, for example, they are considering changing the law. Democratic lawyers told him to say that, so it seems justifiable. What rules could they change by investigating who did what on January 6? It’s already a serious crime to incite an insurrection. It’s already a serious felony to threaten elected officials or to engage in sedition. They are not trying to consider lawmaking or amending any laws. It’s just a political show trial. They want to drag people into this spotlight to satiate the sadistic liberal thirst for retribution, punishment, and vengeance.

And that’s what makes it so dangerous. That was the script those Democratic lawyers gave him, saying the Supreme Court said you could investigate if it’s to help you rewrite laws. But nobody believes that that’s really what this committee is doing.

INGRAHAM: Glenn, thank you, great to see you.

And should Biden have to take a cognitive test? And what the heck is going on at Netflix? Raymond Arroyo has all the detail in “Seen and Unseen” next.


INGRAHAM: It’s time for our “Seen and Unseen” segment to expose the day’s big cultural stories. And for that, we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, I see you’re in Washington. That’s fun. I’m not there, but that’s how it works. Now, Biden treated us to storytime, I understand, this week, and it was not covered.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, it wasn’t, Laura, but it is concerning. At a teacher of the year event Monday, he started talking before anyone was even in place. Then once he got to the mic, it was story time.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I showed up at a Democratic convention, an off-year convention, and I went to make sure that everything was going to be OK. And I report I was the kid in the way. And it was in Dover, Delaware. And after the afternoon session, I returned to the hotel, a typical motel with your drive-up, got out of the car, and walked in the door.


ARROYO: I’m sorry to interrupt this riveting story, Laura. We have some breaking news. This is Senator Bill Cassidy of Louisiana. He’s telling “Axios” he supports cognitive tests for elected officials.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would it be reasonable to have for Supreme Court justices, members of Congress, and leadership positions in the executive branch an annual evaluation in which they would have to establish, yes, I’m doing OK? Would you be for that?

SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): I think that’s a reasonable plan.


ARROYO: We now return you to President Biden’s story, already in progress as he bears his tale.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I was there. I was shaving. And I had a towel around me. And I was in the bathroom, which is like eight by 10, and two beds with the headboards nailed to the wall and a desk fixed to the wall. And suddenly, I hear bam, bam, bam, we are coming in.

And I had not met two of them personally. Two I hadn’t met. And I’m in a towel.

And this guy Henry said that he was from New York. He said, Joe, we just had dinner. We thought you should run for the United States Senate.


ARROYO: Laura, what were they drinking at that dinner? That’s what I’d like to know. Cassidy’s cognitive tests suggestion makes more sense by the minute. You can’t have the president of the United States just rambling on like this. And he’s done this day after day. He did it again today at an event.


INGRAHAM: Maybe Cassidy should have taken his cognitive test when he agreed to that stupid infrastructure spending. I’m glad he’s for the cognitive Raymond, but come on, Cassidy, your Senator of Louisiana is a disaster.

Speaking of questionable cognitive abilities — I can’t even talk — tell us about the Netflix employees who, I guess, seemed to have forgotten the definition of “comedy.”

ARROYO: Today in Hollywood, some of the streamer’s employees staged a walkout to protest Dave Chappelle’s recent comedy special “The Closer” and lines like this particularly.


DAVE CHAPPELLE, COMEDIAN: Gender is a fact. This is a fact. Every human being in this room, on Earth, had to pass through a woman’s legs to be. That is a fact.



ARROYO: Laura, there were 150 people at this walkout today. They claimed Chappelle is transphobic, and they want Netflix to air a warning before the special. Here’s a moment of that walkout. Notice what happens when these protestors encounter a man with a “We Like Dave” placard. They want tolerance but take a look.




INGRAHAM: That’s typical. Typical.

ARROYO: They want tolerance, Laura, but not freedom of conscience, thoughts, or expression. This is the entire problem of the Dave Chappelle controversy in a nutshell.

INGRAHAM: They never want the other side to have their say. They want total domination and control of the conversation, whether on the Internet, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, or Netflix. They will always eat their own eventually. You can never satiate them, please them; you can never bow down to them, period. And that’s a fact.

ARROYO: Netflix’s CEO, Laura, Ted Sarandos says there will be no warning on the special. And he tells “The Hollywood Reporter,” “We are deeply committed to supporting artistic freedom with the creators who work at Netflix.” This is a huge plus for Netflix. Look, I don’t always agree, and neither do you, with some of the content there, but there is no taking it away. Freedom of expression and freedom of artistic expression is crucial. And I always think of Don Rickles, whom I have seen many times. He said comedy; you are all doing the same thing when you laugh. It reminds us of our shared humanity and gets us over the surface bigotry we sometimes throw and hurl at one another. It’s an important thing. Humor should be kept free like everything else.

INGRAHAM: They would never allow Rickles today, never. And I don’t even think they’d allow him in —

ARROYO: He hung on for a long time, Laura.

INGRAHAM: They are protecting Chappelle for the moment, but the Obamas have a big influence over there at Netflix, Raymond, you know that. It’s always going to be a particular type of entertainment. Raymond, great to see you tonight. Nigel Farage is here next with a warning to Americans. Don’t go away.

And if you are not paying attention to what is happening in the U.K. right now, you should.


INGRAHAM: Perhaps nothing better captures the modern left’s perverse worldview than these two tweets from London Mayor Sadiq Khan. First is this tweet from June 3 of last year, “The brutal killing of George Floyd has rightly ignited fury around the world. I stand in solidarity with the black people experiencing systemic racism.” Now, compare that to Khan’s reaction this week to the murder of the member of parliament, Sir David Amess, “I am deeply, deeply saddened by the tragic news that Sir David has passed away. It is just awful.”

OK, so Floyd’s death in police custody was a brutal killing, but David Amess being stabbed to death by a suspected Islamic terrorist was just his passing away.

Here with me now is Nigel Farage, former Brexit Party leader. Nigel, this is obscene, but I guess not at all surprising.

NIGEL FARAGE, FORMER U.K. BREXIT PARTY LEADER: No, it’s a double standard, right? Sir David has passed away, as if tomorrow, a 98-year-old, a World War II veteran that had fallen asleep and not woken up the next morning. It’s a complete refusal to call it out as it is. This was a brutal, horrible, ugly murder committed by a man being held as a suspect who was reported to the authorities seven years ago and sent to a government deradicalization program. And he was stabbed, Sir David, 17 times.

INGRAHAM: Nigel, it’s so disturbing on so many levels. And another terrifying byproduct of Sir Amess’s murder is what the politicians use it for, kind of as cover. Watch.


BORIS JOHNSON, U.K. PRIME MINISTER: We will have criminal sanctions with tough sentences for those responsible for allowing this illegal content to permeate the Internet.

KEIR STARMER, PARTY LEADER OF THE LABOUR PARTY: The damage caused by horrible content online is worse than ever.

JOHNSON: The online safety bill is of huge importance to, is one of the most important tools in our armory.


INGRAHAM: Nigel, this is something, of course, we see here in America where leftists are pushing, defining, and then punishing anything they deem to be harmful content. What’s happening here?

FARAGE: Yes. Since this murder last week, everyone has said we must control the Internet and limit what people say. But it’s all about kinder, gentler, more consensual politics. That’s what they’re putting this man’s death down to. It’s got nothing to do with that. Yes, we all know some things on the Internet should not exist. But this is not being caused because people have different political opinions. It’s not being caused because of hate speech. It’s driven by modern cancer and radical Islamic terrorism.

And my feeling is most members of parliament firstly refuse to call it out because they fear being called racists, and secondly, they fear telling the truth unless they become a target. So we are burying our heads in the sand about the real harm happening here. And the danger is all we do is limit free speech and take anybody that dares to talk about immigration and border control, try and slap them down, try and get them banned on social media. It’s very dangerous indeed.

INGRAHAM: China is doing that. We know Russia has done that. Free speech doesn’t exist in either country. And just so people understand what is happening because there are parallels to the United States. The U.K. is going to track this Internet speech regulation bill fast. And here is the language. “Under the draft of the bill, social media companies’ search engines will be required to remove harmful content that has a significant adverse psychological impact on an adult of ordinary sensibilities.” OK, first of all, what if an adult of ordinary sensibilities wouldn’t call the murder of Sir David Amess a passing away? OK, so what is this subjective measure here? It’s certainly not objective, even if it were permissible.

FARAGE: Well, I think there a sense of ground is what you and I would both call the liberal left, and that anybody that has a vaguely conservative view is somehow evil, hateful, nasty, and should be clamped down upon. And that’s where we are going with all of this. Come on, after all, the 45th president of the USA is still banned, whereas the Taliban leadership uses the platform daily. So we do have to stand up hard and fight for free speech.

And I’m also hoping that we get different social media platforms to emerge over the coming months and years. Otherwise, free speech is dead.

INGRAHAM: Nigel, it’s great to see you tonight. Thank you for coming with us.

And Joe Biden goes back to the verbal well today in Scranton. The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: Joe Biden is not kidding around.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Can you hear me now? Not a joke.

Amtrak became my family. Not a joke.

He told me, and that’s not a joke.

The reason why we leaped ahead of the rest of the world is not a joke. Best in the world — not a joke.

Renewable energy — not a joke.

And Marine One — not a joke.

Keep things moving — not a joke.

That’s who we are as Americans, not a joke.

Higher; not a joke.

Not a joke.

Not a joke. Not a joke.

And I come from the corporate state of the world. Not a joke.

INGRAHAM: Freudian slips. Your presidency, your entire presidency, is a joke.

Thank you for watching. Remember, it is America now and forever. Greg Gutfeld takes it all from here.

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Tyson Houlding
I’m a lifestyle blogger with a passion for writing, photography, and exploring new places. I started this blog when I was 18 years old to share what I was learning about the world with family and friends. I’ve since grown into a freelance writer, blogger, and photographer with a growing audience. I hope you find inspiration and motivation while reading through my work!