7 Best way video content can improve your SEO

Video content is one of the best and most popular ways to increase your ranking in search engine results, so it is no surprise that many people are turning to video marketing. Some marketers may use a traditional strategy and add video content as an additional link on their site, but this does not always work for everyone. You will have more control over your videos if uploaded directly on your website or blog. This will allow you to play the videos through various ads that you can receive revenue from or use at live events.

What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. You can use SEO strategies to help increase your website traffic, which will result in more sales and leads. You can create content related to your business, products, or services and see how well it performs on search engines. Your page rank will rely heavily on the quality and relevance of your text content. Video content should not be used as an excuse not to write good quality, relevant content for your site or blog.

Importance of Video Content for Any Growing Business

Video content is becoming more and more popular. Using video content on your site can also bring in more traffic, which you will need to sell many products or services. But remember that video marketing is all about relationship building. You must be skillful in building a good relationship with your customers, which can lead to many sales. Potential customers and other businesses could see it as disingenuous if you only post videos on your site and do not interact with your audience.


How Video Marketing Helps Your Business Grow

One of the best tips for using video marketing to grow your business is to be consistent and post videos regularly. If you cannot make the videos yourself, find someone who can record or edit your videos. You could also use social media sites that allow users to post their videos and get feedback from friends and other users. Although you are not recommended to pay for adverts directly related to your video content, it will help your business overall.

Video marketing can attract more traffic to your website and build your reputation as a professional. You can also use video marketing to promote your off-site eCommerce site or any other social media page. Many businesses will think that having video content on their site or blog will help them sell more, but that is not always the case. Suppose a potential customer visits your website and you are only using video content to sell products. In that case, they could quickly go to other sites with video content and possibly get much better value for money. Having some commercials on your site is best, and include some calls to action within your videos.

7 Best Ways Video Content Can Improve your SEO

1. Use Autotrack

You can search through all the videos on your site and set up the ad to play when people first begin surfing through it. This will ensure that your video is viewable and plays after someone clicks on your ad. You can provide the ad is playing correctly and tweak it appeals to the majority.

2. Use Interactive Video Content

This is similar to an embedded video but can stand independently and requires people to click on it to access the content. It will display related information that is not immediately visible but adds extra value to the video. You can also edit this video with a video editor that can help you build a video with transitions, effects, music, etc.; before uploading it, it has only relevant information you want your viewers to view.

3. Create a Unique TitleIt would help if youualways hade unique titles for your videos and blog posts. This will make it easier to rank your content higher on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. A poorly written title or a commonly used one will not be appealing enough for people to click on it and visit your site. The title must be catchy enough to make people interested in your video as soon as they see it.

4. Leverage the Best Video Length

You need to find the best time length for your videos. Ideally, you will want to find a happy medium that is not too long or short to keep people interested in watching it. An online video editor can be managed efficiently by trimming or stitching content together as required. You can also set it up so that your video pauses before a certain point and waits for action by the visitor before it continues. This will prevent people from getting sick of watching your content and skipping past it.

5. Use YouTube Embeds

For some reason, many people don’t realize how effective YouTube embeds can be for any site. Some content managers may not use them because finding the related video within their posts is too tricky. However, this could be a good reason to modify your content to embed YouTube videos into your article or page header. You can also use a catchy YouTube thumbnail that displays your video’s content.

6. Use YouTube Adsense

You should use YouTube’s Adsense system if you want extra video revenue. They have hundreds of pre-designed pages you can customize for your site, blog, or even web pages with ads. It will allow you to upload up to 15 different videos of any length and add text that tells visitors about the size of the content on each page. You can create multiple versions for each page and set up your ads differently based on the time of day or location.

7. Embed Videos into Landing Pages

If you are trying to draw in more traffic from other websites, videos embedded into landing pages can be effective. You will want to embed videos directly into your landing pages for your products, services, or topics to show off the unique aspects of what you are selling. This will make the viewer more interested in your content and may even make a sale or fill out a registration form.

BONUS: Actionable Steps to Improve SEO

Step 1: Create a free account on Google Analytics

An analytics account lets you track how much traffic is coming in and out of your website hourly. You can even track the demographics of these visitors so that you know who is going through your site and what they are looking for. This will give you more insight into how effective this video marketing method is for your business and, in turn, also fine-tune your SEO efforts.

Step 2: Create a Free Account with Google Adsense

Google Adsense is essential in driving traffic from other websites to your own. It would help to concentrate on Adsense ads that will fit your video content and make it more appealing to viewers. If you are using Adsense on your site, youcan alsoo check how effective it is for you and make changes if necessary.

Step 3: Use Video Content in Blogs

A good blog is one of the most powerful tools to get your business traffic. Using videos in your blogs will make your website more appealing and increase engagement with readers browsing your site daily. You will want to embed videos into the relevant posts on your blog or website and make it easy for users to watch these videos. This will help people get more involved with what you are trying to tell them and remember the content long after visiting your site. Adding videos will attract more genuine and long-term attention to your site, indicating to search engines that your content is worth consuming (and ranking!)


Although video marketing can be done in many different ways, you should use what you are comfortable with and look for ways to improve it over time. As your business changes, so should your video marketing methods if you want them to be effective.

Tyson Houlding
I’m a lifestyle blogger with a passion for writing, photography, and exploring new places. I started this blog when I was 18 years old to share what I was learning about the world with family and friends. I’ve since grown into a freelance writer, blogger, and photographer with a growing audience. I hope you find inspiration and motivation while reading through my work!